Degree: Ph.D.
Title: Professor
Graduation School: Huazhong Agricultural University
Office: 621, North Building
Tomato functional genomics and genetic breeding
1, 2004.09-2011.06, Huazhong Agricultural University, PhD, Olericulture
2, 2000.09-2004.06 Huazhong Agricultural University, BS, Horticulture
2011.06-present, Huazhong Agricultural University, Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor
2017.08-2019.08, Michigan State University, Visiting Scholar/Post Doc
1)Xie Q, Xiong C, Yang Q, Zheng F, Larkin RM, Zhang J, Wang T, Zhang Y, Ouyang B, Lu Y, Ye J, Ye Z*, Yang C*. A novel regulatory complex mediated by Lanata (Ln) controls multicellular trichome formation in tomato. New Phytol, 2022, online (IF=10.323)
2)Zheng F, Cui L, Li C, Xie Q, Ai G, Wang J, Yu H, Wang T, Zhang J, Ye Z, Yang C*. Hair (H) interacts with SlZFP8-like to regulate the initiation and elongation of trichomes by modulating SlZFP6 expression in tomato. J Exp Bot, 2022, 73: 228-244.
3)Gao S#, Li N#, Niran J, Wang F, Yin Y, Yu C, Jiao C*, Yang C*, Yao M*. Transcriptome profiling of Capsicum annuum using Illumina- and PacBio SMRT-based RNA-Seq for in-depth understanding of genes involved in trichome formation. Sci Rep, 2021, 11:10164.
4)Yang Q#, Wan X#, Wang J, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Wang T, Yang C*, Ye Z*. The loss of function of HEL, which encodes a cellulose synthase interactive protein, causes helical and vine-like growth of tomato. Hortic Res,2020, 7:180
5)Xiong C, Xie Q, Yang Q, Sun P, Gao S, Li H, Zhang J, Wang T, Ye Z, Yang C*. WOOLLY, interacting with MYB transcription factor MYB31, regulates cuticular wax biosynthesis by modulating CER6 expression in tomato. Plant J, 2020, 103: 323–337
6)Liao X#, Wang J# (co-first author), Zhu S, Xie Q, Wang L, Yu H, Ye Z, Yang C*. Transcriptomic and functional analyses uncover the regulatory role of lncRNA000170 in tomato multicellular trichome formation. Plant J, 2020, 104: 18–29
7)Xie Q, Gao Y, Li J, Yang Q, Qu X, Li H, Zhang J, Wang T, Ye Z*, Yang C*. The HD-Zip IV transcription factor SlHDZIV8 controls multicellular trichome morphology by regulating the expression of Hairless-2. J Exp Bot, 2020, 71:7132-7145
8)Xu W#, Gao S#, Song J, Yang Q, Wang T, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Li H, Yang C*, Ye Z*. NDW, encoding a receptor-like protein kinase, regulates plant growth, cold tolerance and susceptibility to Botrytis cinerea in tomato. Plant Sci, 2020, 301:110684
9)Wang J#, Xia J#, Song Q, Liao X, Gao Y, Zheng F, Yang C*. Genome-wide identification, genomic organization and expression profiles of SlARR-B gene family in tomato. J App Genet, 2020, 61: 391–404
10)Liao X#, Wang L#, Zhu S, Zheng F, Yang C*. Identification, genomic organization, and expression profiles of single C2H2 zinc finger transcription factors in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). J Appl Genet, 2020, 62:1-15
11)Gao S, Gao W, Liao X, Xiong C, Yu G, Yang Q, Yang C*, Ye Z*. The tomato WV gene encoding athioredoxin protein is essential for chloroplast development at low temperature and high light intensity. BMC Plant Biol, 2019, 19:265 (IF=3.930)
12)Chang J, Yu T, Yang Q, Li C, Xiong C, Gao S, Xie Q, Zheng F, Li H, Tian Z, Yang C*, Ye Z*. Hair, encoding a single C2H2 zinc-finger protein, regulates multicellular trichome formation in tomato. Plant J, 2018, 96(1):90-102 (IF=5.726)
13)Gao S, Gao Y, Xiong C, Yu G, Chang J, Yang Q, Yang C*, Ye Z*. The tomato B-type cyclin gene, SlCycB2, plays key roles in reproductive organ development, trichome initiation, terpenoids biosynthesis and Prodenia litura defense. Plant Sci, 2017, 262:103-114. (IF=3.712)
14)Chang J, Yu T, Gao S, Xiong C, Xie Q, Li H, Ye Z, Yang C*. Fine mapping of the dialytic gene that controls multicellular trichome formation and stamen development in tomato. Theor Appl Genet, 2016, 129: 1531-1539 (IF=3.930)
15)Fan M, Gao S, Ren J, Yang Q, Li H, Yang C*, Ye Z*. Overexpression of SlRBZ results in chlorosis and dwarfism through impairing chlorophyll, carotenoid, and gibberellin biosynthesis in tomato. Front Plant Sci, 2016, 7: 907 (IF=4.106)
16)Gao Y, Gao S, Xiong C, Yu G, Chang J, Ye Z, Yang C*. Comprehensive analysis and expression profile of the homeodomain leucine zipper IV transcription factor family in tomato. Plant Physiol Bioch, 2015, 96: 141-153 (IF=2.718)
17)Yang C#, Gao Y# (co-first author), Gao S, Yu G, Xiong C, Chang J, Li H, Ye Z*. Transcriptome profile analysis of cell proliferation molecular processes during multicellular trichome formation induced by tomato Wov gene in tobacco. BMC Genomics, 2015, 16:868 (IF=4.311)
18)Yang C, Ye Z*. Trichomes as models for studying plant cell differentiation. Cell Mol Life Sci, 2013, 70:1937-1948 (IF=7.014)
19)Yang C, Li H, Zhang J, Luo Z, Gong P, Zhang C, Li J, Wang T, Zhang Y, Lu Y, Ye Z*. A regulatory gene induces trichome formation and embryo lethality in tomato. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2011, 108: 11836–11841 (IF=9.771)
20)Yang C, Li H, Zhang J, Wang T, Ye Z*. Fine-mapping of the woolly gene controlling multicellular trichome formation and embryonic development in tomato. Theor Appl Genet, 2011, 123: 625–633 (IF=3.930)
21)Luo D, Xiong C, Lin A, Zhang C, Sun W, Zhang J, Yang C, Lu Y, Li H, Ye Z, He P, Wang T*. SlBBX20 interacts with the COP9 signalosome subunit SlCSN5-2 to regulate anthocyanin biosynthesis by activating SlDFR expression in tomato. Hortic Res, 2021, 8:163
22)Hua B, Chang J, Xu Z, Han X, Xu M, Yang M, Yang C, Ye Z, Wu S*. HOMEODOMAIN PROTEIN8 mediates jasmonate-triggered trichome elongation in tomato. New Phytol, 2021, 230: 1063-1077 (IF=10.323)
23)Yu G, Li C, Zhang L, Zhu G, Munir S, Shi C, Zhang H, Ai G, Gao S, Zhang Y, Yang C, Zhang J, Li H, Ye Z*. An allelic variant of GAME9 determines its binding capacity with the GAME17 promoter in the regulation of steroidal glycoalkaloid biosynthesis in tomato. J Exp Bot, 2020, 71: 2527-2536.
24)Xiong C, Luo D, Lin A, Zhang C, Shan L, He P, Li B, Zhang Q, Hua B, Yuan Z, Li H, Zhang J, Yang C, Lu Y, Ye Z, Wang T*. A tomato B-box protein SlBBX20 modulates carotenoid biosynthesis by directly activating PHYTOENE SYNTHASE 1, and is targeted for 26S proteasome-mediated degradation. New Phytol, 2019, 221: 279-294.
25)Li J, Ouyang B, Wang T, Luo Z, Yang C, Li H, Sima W, Zhang J, Ye Z*. HyPRP1 Gene Suppressed by Multiple Stresses Plays a Negative Role in Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Tomato. Front Plant Sci, 2016, 7: 967.
26)Luo Z, Zhang J, Li J, Yang C, Wang T, Ouyang B, Li H, Giovannoni J, Ye Z*. A STAY-GREEN protein SlSGR1 regulates lycopene and b-carotene accumulation by interacting directly with SlPSY1 during ripening processes in tomato. New Phytol, 2013, 198: 442–452
27)Zhang C, Ouyang B, Yang C, Li H, Zhibiao Ye*. Reducing AsA leads to leaf lesion and defence response in knock-down of the AsA biosynthetic enzyme GDP-D-mannose pyrophosphorylase gene in tomato plant. Plos One, 2013, 8: e61987
28)Li J, Sima W, Ouyang B, Luo Z, Yang C, Ye Z, Li H*. Identification and expression pattern of a ZPR1 gene in wild tomato (Solanum pennellii). Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2013, 31:409-417
29)Gong P, Zhang J, Li H, Yang C, Zhang C, Zhang X, Khurram Z, Zhang Y, Wang T, Fei Z, Ye Z*. Transcriptional profiles of drought-responsive genes in modulating transcription signal transduction, and biochemical pathways in tomato. J Exp Bot, 2010, 61: 3563-3575