Degree: Ph.D.
Title: Associate Professor
Graduation School: Northeast Forest University
Office: 308, North Building
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Mainly engaged in forest root physiological ecology, plant nutritional biology.
Lectures: “Silviculture”, “Comprehensive practice of forestry”, “belowground ecology”
- 1997.9-2001.7>Henan Agricultural University> BS Forestry
- 2001.9-2004.7>Northeast Forest University> Master Silviculture
- 2004.9-2006.7>Northeast Forest University> PhD Silviculture
- 2010.12-present> Huazhong Agricultural University>Associate Professor
- 2009.9-2011.9> Huazhong Agricultural University>Post doctor
- 2006.7-2010.12> Huazhong Agricultural University>Associate Professor
- Hang Qiao, Longsheng Chen, Yajun Hu, Chenghua Deng, Qi Sun, Shaohong Deng, Xiangbi Chen, Li Mei, Jinshui Wu, Yirong Su. Soil microbial resource limitations and community assembly along a Camellia oleifera plantation chronosequence. Frontiers in Microbiology,2021.12(2) https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2021.736165
- Xue Zhang#, Zeyao Zhao#, Tong Chen,Tianyu Zhao, Lihao Song, Li Mei*. Fertilization and clear-cutting effect on greenhouse gases emission of pinewood nematode damaged Masson pine plantation. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. 2021,7(1):http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/20964129.2020.1868271.
- Wan-Long Su, Na Liu, Li Mei*, Jie Luo, Yi-Jie Zhu,Zhu Liang. Global Transcriptomic Profile Analysis of Genes Involved in Lignin Biosynthesis and Accumulation Induced by Boron Deficiency in Poplar Roots. Biomolecules 2019, 9, 156; doi:10.3390/biom9040156
- Jie Luo#, Zhu Liang#,Mengmeng Wu, Li Mei*. Genome-wide identification of BOR genes in poplar and their roles in response to various environmental stimuli. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2019(8).164:101-113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2019.04.006
- Li Mei*, Qiaohong Li, Huan Li, Shu-ang Peng*, Ou Sheng. Boron deficiency affects root vessel anatomy and mineral nutrient allocation of Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2016,38(4):86 DOI:10.1007/s11738-016-2099-5.
- Li Mei, Yanmei Xiong, Jiacun Gu, Zhengquan Wang, Dali Guo. Whole-tree dynamics of non-structural carbohydrate and nitrogen pools across different seasons and in response to girdling in two temperate trees. Oecologia, 2015,177:333-344 DOI 10.1007/s00442-014-3186-1.
- Li Mei, Ou Sheng, Shu-ang Peng, Gao feng Zhou, Qingjiang Wei. Growth, root morphology and boron uptake by citrus rootstock seedlings differing in boron-deficiency responses. Scientia Horticulturae, 129 (2011) 426–432.