Degree: Ph.D.
Title: Associate Professor
Graduation school: University of Turin, Italy
Office: 523, North Building
[1] 2009.01-2012.12, University of Turin, Ph.D.
[2] 2011.07-2012.08, Wageningen University, Exchange Ph.D.
[3] 2006.09-2008.07, Tianjin University, Master
[4] 2002.09-2006.07, Northwest A&F University, Bachelor
[1] 2016.06-present, Huazhong Agricultural University, Associate Professor
[2] 2014.12-2015.12, Wageningen University, Exchange Postdoc
[3] 2013.08-2014.08, DOE-Michigan State University, Postdoc
[4] 2012.12-2013.05, Wageningen University, Exchange Ph.D.
1. Meng Jian, Zhang Dongmei, Pan Jiajia, Wang Xueke, Zeng Chunfa, Zhu Kaijie, Wang Fan, Liu Junwei *, and Li Guohuai *. High-quality genome sequence resource of Lasiodiplodia theobromae strain JMB122, a fungal pathogen causing peach gummosis. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 2022, doi.org/10.1094/MPMI-01-22-0013-A.
2. Noor Iqra, Sohail Hamza, Sun Jingxian, Nawaz Muhammad Azher, Li Guohuai, Hasanuzzaman Mirza *, and Liu Junwei *. Heavy metal and metalloid toxicity in horticultural plants: Tolerance mechanism and remediation strategies. Chemosphere, 2022, 303(3): 135196.
3. Zhang Dongmei, Shen Xingyi, Zhang He, Huang Xue, He Hanzi, Ye Junli, Cardinale Francesca, Liu Jihong, Liu Junwei *, and Li Guohuai *. Integrated transcriptomic and metabolic analyses reveal that ethylene enhances peach susceptibility to Lasiodiplodia theobromae-induced gummosis. Horticulture Research, 2022, 9: uhab019.
4. Shen Wanqi, Zeng Chunfa, Gan Yanping, He Hao, Zhu Wei, He Hanzi, Li Guohuai *, and Liu Junwei *. Integrative physiological, transcriptional, and metabolic analyses provide insights into response mechanisms of Prunus persica to autotoxicity stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12: 794881.
5. Noor Iqra, Sohail Hamza, Hasanuzzaman Mirza, Hussain Sajjad, Li Guohuai *, and Liu Junwei *. Phosphorus confers tolerance against Mn toxicity in peach (Prunus persica) plants by concerted modulation of antioxidant defense systems and photosynthesis capacity. Chemosphere, 2022: 291(3): 132999.
6. Zhang He, Shen Wanqi, Zhang Dongmei, Shen Xingyi, Wang Fan, Hsiang Tom, Liu Junwei*, and Li Guohuai*. The bZIP transcription factor LtAP1 modulates oxidative stress tolerance and virulence in the peach gummosis fungus Lasiodiplodia theobromae. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, 12: 741842.
7. Wang Xia#, Liu Shengjun#, Zuo Hao#, Zheng Weikang#, Zhang Shanshan, Huang Yue, Pingcuo Gesang, Ying Hong, Zhao Fan, Li Yuanrong, Liu Junwei, Yi Ting Shuang, Zan Yanjun, Larkin M Robert, Deng Xiuxin, Zeng Xiuli*, and Xu Qiang. Genomic basis of high-altitude adaptation in Tibetan Prunus fruit trees. Current Biology, 2021, 31(17): 3848-3860.
8. He Hao, Zhang Songyang, Shen Wanqi, Zhu Wei Zhu, Noor Iqra, Liu Junwei*, and Li Guohuai Li*. Benzoic acid plays a part in rhizosphere microbial composition of peach seedlings grown in replanted soil. Rhizosphere, 2021, 19: 100364.
9. Shen Wanqi, Liu Dan, Zhang He, Zhu Wei, He Hanzi, Li Guohuai*, and Liu Junwei*. Overexpression of β-cyanoalanine synthase of Prunus persica increases salt tolerance by modulating ROS metabolism and ion homeostasis. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2021, 186: 104431.
10. Zhang He, Zhang Dongmei, Wang Fan, Hsiang Tom, Liu Junwei*, and Li Guohuai*. Lasiodiplodia theobromae-induced alteration in ROS metabolism and its relation to gummosis development in Prunus persica. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2020, 154: 43-53.
11. Zhang Li, Kou Xiyi, Huang Xue, Li Guohuai, Liu Junwei*, and Ye Jun-Li*. Peach-gum: A promising alternative for retarding the ripening and senescence in postharvest peach fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2020, 161: 111088.
12. He Hao, Zhu Wei, Noor Iqra, Liu Junwei*, and Li Guohuai*. Pseudomonas putida WH-B3 degrades benzoic acid and alleviates its autotoxicity to peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) seedlings grown in replanted soil. Scientia Horticulturae, 2019, 255: 183-192.
13. Gao Lei, Zhang He, Cheng Yufang, Li Jingyu, Junwei Liu, and Guohuai Li*. First report of Neofusicoccum parvum causing gummosis of peach trees in Hubei province, central China. Plant Disease, 2019, 103(10): 2673.
14. Zhu Wei, Liu Junwei, Ye Junli, Li Guohuai*. Effects of phytotoxic extracts from peach root bark and benzoic acid on peach seedlings growth, photosynthesis, antioxidance and ultrastructure properties. Scientia Horticulturae, 2017, 215: 49-58.
15. Liu Junwei, He Hanzi#, Vitali Marco#, Visentin Ivan, Haider Imran, Charnikhova Tatsiana, Schubert Andrea, Ruyter-Spira Carolien, Lovisolo Claudio, Bouwmeester J Harro, Cardinale Francesca*. Osmotic stress represses Strigolactone biosynthesis in Lotus japonicus roots: exploring the interaction between Strigolactones and ABA under abiotic stress. Planta, 2015, 241(6): 1435-1451 (*equally contributed).
16. Cardoso Catarina#, Zhang Yanxia#, Jamil Muhammad#, Hepworth Jo#, Charnikhova Tataiana, Dimkpa O N Stanley, Meharg Caroline, Wright H Mark, Liu Junwei, Meng Xiangbin, Wang Yonghong, Li Jiayang, McCouch R Susan, Leyser Ottoline, Price H Adam, Bouwmeester J Harro, and Ruyter-Spira Carolien*. Natural variation of rice strigolactone biosynthesis is associated with the deletion of two MAX1 orthologs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 2014, 111(6): 2379-2384.
17. Liu Junwei, Novero Mara, Charnikhova Tatsiana, Ferrandino Alessandra, Schubert Andrea, Ruyter-Spira Carolien, Bonfante Paola, Lovisolo Claudio, Bouwmeester J Harro, and Cardinale Francesca*. CAROTENOID CLEAVAGE DIOXYGENASE 7 modulates plant growth, reproduction, senescence, and determinate nodulation in the model legume Lotus japonicas. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2013, 64(7): 1967-1981.
18. Liu Junwei, Lovisolo Claudio, Schubert Andrea, and Cardinale Francesca*. Signaling role of strigolactones at the interface between plants, microorganisms and a changing environment. Journal of Plant Interactions, 2013, 8(1): 17-33.
19. 沈婉琪,朱炜,曾春发,何昊,李国怀 *,刘军伟 *. 外源氰化物对毛桃幼苗根系生理及代谢的影响. 果树学报,2022,39(5):845-855.
20. 李梦洁,何昊,朱炜,李玺来,刘军伟*,李国怀 *. 桃树根皮腐解物成分鉴定及其高效降解菌的鉴定和应用研究. 园艺学报,2019,46 (S1):2504.
21. 杨艳敏,张松洋,何昊,张贺,黄雪,刘军伟*,李国怀 *. 桃流胶病拮抗细菌HAR3 的鉴定及其生防效果研究. 园艺学报,2019,46 (S1):2505.
22. 刘莉 *,刘翔,焦定量,张秦英,商纪鹏,刘军伟,郭敏. 西瓜强雌性状的遗传效应分析. 园艺学报,2009, 36:1299-1304.
23. 张秦英,刘军伟,刘莉 *,焦定量,郭富常,郭敏. 西瓜强雌性性状的遗传分析及分子标记研究. 华北农学报,2009,24:138-142.