Degree: Ph.D.
Title: Professor
Graduation School: Shandong University
Office: 514, South Building
My current research is focus on the molecular breeding and stress physiology of fruit crops with emphasis on citrus. The goal of my research program is to identify the crucial genes in regulation of fruit flavor quality formation, better understand the physiological processes underlying nutrient or abiotic stresses on fruit and plant growth, and develop management practices for improving fruit productivity and quality. Fruit flavor is most based on the content of sugar and acid, which is stored in vacuoles of ripe tissues. My research interest is to explore the main members and regulation mechanisms of tonoplast-localized transporter in controlling fruit sugar or acid accumulation. Besides, plant growth and fruiting depend on balanced mineral nutrition and natural environment. The role of ion channel and transporters is also explored in my research to improve plant nutrient uptake and resistance to environment stresses, like drought, salt, freezing, etc.
[1] 2009.9-2014.6 > Shandong University > PhD Cell Biology
[2] 2005.9-2009.6 > Jiangsu Normal University > BS Bio-science
[1] 2020.12-present > Huazhong Agricultural University > Professor
[2] 2016.8-2020.10 > Cornell University > Post-doc
[3] 2014.7-2016.7 > Shandong University > Post-doc
Bachar Dahro, Yue Wang, Madiha Khan, Yang Zhang, Tian Fang, Ruhong Ming, Chunlong Li*, Ji-Hong Liu*. Two AT-Hook proteins regulate A/NINV7 expression to modulate sucrose catabolism for cold tolerance in Poncirus trifoliata. New Phytologist. 2022, 235(6):2331-2349
Zeqi Zhao, Mengdi Li, Weiwei Xu, Ji-Hong Liu, Chunlong Li*. Genome-wide identification of NRT gene family and expression analysis of nitrate transporters in response to salt stress in Poncirus trifoliata. Genes. 2022, 13(7):1115.
Chaochao Liang, Chunlong Li, Jing Wu, Min Zhao, Donghua Chen, Cuimei Liu, Jinfang Chu, Wei Zhang, Inhwan Hwang , Mei Wang*. SORTING NEXIN2 proteins mediate stomatal movement and the response to drought stress by modulating trafficking and protein levels of the ABA exporter ABCG25. Plant Journal. 2022 110(6):1603-1618.
Yang Zhang, Ruhong Ming, Madiha Khan, Yue Wang, Bachar Dahro, Wei Xiao, Chunlong Li*, Ji-Hong Liu*. ERF9 of Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. undergoes feedback regulation by ethylene and modulates cold tolerance via regulating a glutathione S-transferase U17 gene. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2022. 20(1):183-200.
Madiha Khan, Jianbing Hu, Bachar Dahro, Ruhong Ming, Yang Zhang, Yue Wang, Ahmed Alhag, Chunlong Li*, Ji-Hong Liu*. ERF108 from Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. functions in cold tolerance by modulating raffinose synthesis through transcriptional regulation of PtrRafS. Plant Journal. 2021. 108(3):705-724.
Chunlong Li, Dong Meng, Miguel A. Piñeros, Yuxin Mao, Abhaya M. Dandekar, Lailiang Cheng*. A sugar transporter takes up both hexose and sucrose for sorbitol-modulated in vitro pollen tube growth in apple. Plant Cell. 2020. 32(2): 449-469.
Chunlong Li, Laura Dougherty, Alison E. Coluccio, Dong Meng, Islam El-Sharkawy, Ewa Borejsza-Wysocka, Miguel A. Piñeros, Kenong Xu, Lailiang Cheng*. Apple aluminum-activated malate transporter 9 requires a conserved C-terminal domain for its malate transport activity underlying fruit acidity. Plant Physiology. 2020. 182(2): 992-1006.
Chunlong Li#, Dong Meng#, Junhong Zhang, Lailiang Cheng*. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of calmodulin and calmodulin-like genes in apple (Malus × domestica). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2019. 139: 600-612.
Donghua Cheng, Huiping Liu, Chunlong Li*. Calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK9 negatively function in stomatal ABA signaling by regulating ion channels activity in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology. 2019. 99(1-2): 113-122.
Chunlong Li#, Mei Wang#, Xiaomeng Wu, Wei Zhang*. THI1, a thiamine thiazole synthase, interacts with Ca2+-dependent protein kinase CPK33 and modulates the S-type anion channels and stomatal closure in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 2016. 170(2):1090-104.
Chunlong Li#, Mei Wang#, Xiaoyan Ma, and Wei Zhang*. NRGA1, a putative mitochondrial pyruvate carrier, mediates ABA regulation of guard cell ion channels and drought stress responses in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant. 2014. 7(10): 1508-1521.